Here's the list of all the country in which I'm certain that the Cherry Merry Muffin were sold: USA, Canada, France,
Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Greece, England, Sweden, New Zealand, Mexico, Belgium and The Netherlands. If you know other
country, let me know. Bubblegum Becky is called Trudi Frutti in Germany and in Switzerland, maybe in the whole Europe. The 1988 dolls sold in Europe have a white painted underwear. The American ones don't have any underwear. On the other hand the 1989 and 1990 dolls have relief underwear but not painted.
I have two Chocolottie 1989 with very different colored ribbons. The difference is too much important to only a different coloration bath. The one with yellow-green ribbons has dark brown muffins, the other has grass green ribbons and light brown muffins. On the contrary on both boxes the text is in English. I don't know if they are both American version or if one is an European version.
I first thought that the difference between the plain white apron and the white and pink striped apron depended of where the doll came from. Actually I saw european boxes with different aprons. The same for the catalogs. I then asume it must exist two versions of that apron. But why and how, I don't know.
Under my miniatures I discovered that some of them have the number 1 and others the number 2 printed. All the rest is the same, the shape and the other inscriptions. I'd like to know what are these numbers for. I'm writing more about it in the miniatures page. These are the products that, I think, were only sold in Europe. The German tapes, the Italian stickers book, bags and school book. But they are certainly many others. Apparently the lunch boxes, the birthday party supply, the costume and the coloring book were only sold in USA and maybe also in Canada. But it's normal that there're more by-products in the country of Mattel. The German and Italian specialties are especially interesting because they introduce new characters. In the tapes we meet more inhabitants of Merry Muffin Land: Sauerkuckuck, Ilonka and her son Gustav, die Fee Pinpinella and Jajaba the witch. Go to the tapes page to learn more. The stickers album introduces another character: Paneamaro. Playsets differences: coming soon.
Combs differences: coming soon.