You have the possibility
to put here, just by sending me an email,
your lists of wanted, for sale and for trade Cherry Muffin Muffin stuff.
In the following
tables, there's the description of what you're looking for and what you're selling.
For the selling items you must precise the price (in US dollars) and you can
also put a picture (I can host your pictures as long as they're not bigger than
100 Ko).
I know that many
people prefer trading that selling or buying. A community is more friendly when
there no money business between the members. And that avoids having to spend
a fortune when you need just a hat! Then don't hesitate to ask the saler or
the buyer if they don't prefer a trade.
-Peigne rose , Plateau rose + Muffin marron clair , Noeud a cheveux et Tablier de Cherry Merry Muffin.
-Peigne bleu , Compagnon bleu , Noeud a cheveux et Tablier de Betty Berry.
-Peigne blanc ,Plateau blanc + Muffin marron foncé , Compagnon goutte de chocolat,Noeud a cheveux et Poupée Chocolottie .
-Peigne vert, Plateau vert +Muffin marron clair , Compagnon vert ,Noeud a cheveux et Tablier , Poupée Apple Amy.
-Peigne jaune , Plateau jaune + Muffin marron clair ,Noeud a cheveux et Tablier de Banancy.
-Peigne blanc , Plateau blanc + Muffin rose , Chapeau cake rose , Carte recette de Cherry Merry Muffin.
-Peigne rose ,Plateau rose + Muffin marron clair, Chapeau gâteau au chocolat , Carte recette de Chocolottie .
-Peigne violet ,Plateau bleu/violet + Muffin je ne sais pas trop la couleur , Chapeau blanc a poids , Carte recette et tablier et Poupée Bubblegum Becky.
-Peigne rose foncé , Plateau rose foncé + Muffin blanc , Chapeau blanc rayé rouge , Carte recette et Tablier et Poupée Penny Peppermint.
-Peigne vert , Plateau vert + Muffin jaune ,Chapeau blanc avec rose,Carte recette et Poupée Lily vanilly.
-Peigne jaune ,Plateau jaune + Muffin violet , Chapeau jaune , Carte recette et Poupée Greta Grape.
-Peigne rose ,Cuillère rose ,Compagnon glace rose et Poupée Cherry Merry Muffin.
-Peigne violet ,Cuillère rose , Compagnon glace violet et Poupée Grape Ice.
-Peigne Marron , Cuillère rose , Compagnon glace rose et Poupée Cookie'n Cream.
-Peigne orange ,Cuillère rose , Compagnon glace orange et poupée Peach Perfection.
I'm not responsible for the trades or the sales made from this page. I only
propose sales and wantlist for people.